Sunday, April 29, 2012

IBB First Jakarta Gathering

So, I was attending the First ever IBB (Indonesian Beauty Blogger) Jakarta Gathering Event that was held in Coffee Cabin, Kuningan Junction. 

The event was suppose to be at 11pm.. but it was kinda late to start with, so we begin by having lunch, chat a little to other member, getting to know each other.. then we officially start the event with Stella Lee and Mada Foe as the host and we could introduce ourselves and our blog.

Introducing The Beautiful and Talented Other Beauty Bloggers

The host of the event that day are Stella Lee and Mada Foe

. Silke . Merry . Rilla

. Bella . Emily . Franky .

. Natalia . Carryn . Tikka .

 . Marcelle . Ichil . Putri .
. Nisa . Gabby . Endi .

To be honest, I was flattered to meet them all. They were all even nicer in person ^--^ In this section we all shared our thoughts and missions in making our own blog.. Not forget to mention, our hopes in the future throughout the blogging journey. Hearing it, makes me more inspired by each of the individuals. ^__^

Moving on to games.. To make the atmosphere more hype, Stella Lee and Mada Foe even create games and including prices! I was kinda surprise by that. woohoo! I was playing the first game which is "2minutes smokey eyes". In this games, I got to be paired with Carryn. She was the makeup artist and I was the model. We have to create a smokey look within 2 minutes! blah. Luckily I just need to sat there and let Carryn do the magic. lol.

  Other competitors are Marcelle-Nisa and Rilla-Merry

The second games is pretty funny. It's called "5second red lipstick". Well, kinda relief I was on the first game, because this time the makeup artist got to put the red lipstick to the model with BLINDFOLDED. hem. Turn out to be exciting. LOL.

For all of the games, no one is the winner! We all got a surprise "price" in the end. How exciting is that?! Thanks Mada, Thanks Stella.. *kecup basah*
Moving on from the games, we play a little trivia and Q&A with all the members. Such an experience that I could learn from all of them. ^____^

And then after that.........
Yak. no need to explain further more. You can see from the body language and karaoke monitor what is all about. SNSD is in the house yo! lol.

To end the event, we all took a picture 

Such a fun time! We should do this again!
Good day all!
Smile :)


  1. wah lengkap fotonya ^^
    seru ya..pingin ikutan *andaikan aku tinggal di jkt* hikz

    1. ahaha iya sha. coba bs diterbangkan satu2 ke jakarta. lol

  2. waaaaww.... So exciting :) semoga bisa diadain di Bdg besok2 hehee

  3. aaaa, km foto2nya banyak. fotoku blur smua >.< hiks

    1. ahaha. masi byk lagi, tik. tapi ga tega uploadnya. hihi.

    2. hahahah tapi seru ya ^^ km dateng yg tgl 19?

    3. iya mau tik, tapi blom dpt kepastian invitationnya dr stella. hehe.. km dtg? :)


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