Thursday, October 18, 2012

☆Review + Comparison : Maybelline Clear Smooth Minerals Healthy Natural Concealer☆

Hi bubblies!
How's your day?
I hope you stay fit and happy ya! :)

This next concealer is up on my review, and maybe this is one of my most used concealer before I found my new "BFF" :P >> NYX HD Photogenic Concealer in Wand.
Still liking it. Still using it, until I finish it. But overall, here's my thought and comparison to my new favorite one.

Once this product appeared on my previous post and made a first impression with it.
make sure you check the link below first :)
A Mini Haul From Maybellline : Mascara, Concealer & Lipstick ♥ 

Clear Smooth Minerals Healthy Natural Concealer in Medium-Sand

In fact, I almost gone through a tube with this :D

☆ The Wand ☆

compare to NYX HD Concealer :

Maybelline is slightly more slanted than NYX.
It means Maybelline grabs more product and easily cover ( or spread product ) to larger area on the face.
While NYX is more spot on and grabs a little less product.


As you can see, Maybelline is little more pink than NYX when first swatched it.

When both are wet. 
The texture to compare are : NYX is more thicker and rich, while Maybelline is slightly thinner and lightweight.

That's why, Maybelline is easier to spread and blend.

Half wet.
Both almost have the same time to dry and set to the skin.

Here, you can see the colors are preettyy similar when they dry.

Almost have the same color pay off!

☆ The Coverage ☆

PS : Oh ya, have you read why I got this bad skin? One of famous skincare line from Japan doesn't suit me and breaks me out! see my review -->  Review : Hada Labo Indonesia


  no primer. no base. under indoor artificial lighting


As you can see, it does also a pretty GREAT job as covering my scars!!

In terms of comparison :

Maybelline Mineral vs NYX HD ☆

Both have the same price range..
Both have a great result in pictures..
Both have the similar color pay off..
But, in terms of texture >> Maybelline feels more lightweight and thinner than NYX. While NYX is thicker, it also conceal and stick better, covering even longer than Maybelline.

Do I find Maybelline Mineral Concealer is good? Off course! but, in my humble opinion and as what I need, I would say NYX is a little bit better. I need a thicker and more concealing concealer ( *the thicker, the better! ) to my Goddamn horrified skin lately -___-"

I don't know about both being said waterproof or not, but after I showered *because NYX sticks better in the skin, it survive graciously. Fade a bit, but hey. still stood there like a boss! :P >> ( read : NYX less faded than Maybelline ).

If I had to say the negative and what bothers me about both of the product >> They run pretty FAST! Yeah, I need them a lot dearly much ( as you know ) so it's right there got through me.



Ok then. That's it my review.
I hope somewhat it's useful for you.
Let me know what you think!
Good day all!
Smile :)

NOTE: all of the product were purchased by my own money and reviewed by honest thought. It's just my way to give you an opinion in buying product that you considered to purchase. Be a smart buyer! Hope you like my reviews.


  1. Aku juga lagi coba2 pake hadalabo sis...
    Jerawatan kecil2 awalnya and sekarang redness + muncul jerawat gede,,,
    Gak tau gara2 hadalabo apa bukan ku masih coba pake.. ;( mudah2an aja membaik...
    Liat kondisi kulitmu sayangnya yach pdhl awalnya mulus...
    Gak cobain ke dokter sis?

    1. wah, kalo ga cocok lebih baik distop! :( aku juga coba pas minggu2 awal timbul jerawat kecil doang, baru ngeh setelah banyak dan makin keluar jerawatnya di minggu ketiga :'(

      iya, akirnya aku ke dokter kulit buat nyembuhinnya. membaik, tapi butuh waktu ngebersihin scarnya lagi :((

      better you stick with your old regiment, dear. stop hada labo dulu kalo timbul jerawat :(

    2. Baru liat balesanmu sis..
      ;( iya jerawatku juga jd gede2..
      Huhuhuuu..ku stop tonernya...
      Cuma cocok facial washnya....
      Iya sis..kalo bekas jerawat mes
      Temenku pake skII bekas jera
      loh sis..tapi yach cocok2an di kulit masing-masing sis

  2. D: ya ampun fel sampe begitu .... #shock I'd heard that Hada Labo breaks out on some people but never think that it could be that bad..

    use mask regularly dear, hope it helps :)

    1. iyaa, sayang yaa. padahal aku maunya juga cocok sama hada labonya :((

      oke, i'll definitely try some, gab! thx for the info dear :D :D

  3. ce, concealerny cakey ga klo lebih dr 1 layer? baik maybelline maupun nyx.

    1. ga say. asal di set sama powder abis itu supaya ga keliatan creasing dan retak yg bikin look cakey. for under eye concelaer better only use 1 layer though :)

  4. nice review dear...

    follback yah klu sempet mampir blog q :)

  5. sama, aku juga muncul jerawat di dahi dan dagu gara2 hadalabo, akhirnya sekarang dipake jarang2, pas kulit dalam kondisi kering aja

    1. iya, kalo ga cocok sebaiknya stop :)) kalo menurut aku hada labo emang lebi cocok buat kulit yg kering. karna dia emang concern as a moisture lock :)

  6. emang lumayan banyak ya yg ga cocok sama hada labo.
    btw makasiiiiiiii review nya!
    pas banget emg mau beli maybelline ini jadi makin yakin baca review mu setelah tau dia cocok ke pink undertone, yehey!

    1. ahaha you're welcome dear :) glad could answer your curiosity :D

  7. Wah parah juga ya kmu breakout pake hadalabo, aku masih ragu-ragu juga mau coba atau emggak. Masih setia sama Skin Food he he he..
    Menarik juga nih yg NYX concealer, punyaku yg Maybelline uda mo abis juga.

    Btw baru ngeh sering mampir blog kmu tapi enggak difollow, skrg aku follow ya he he he.

    1. yey! haha thx for following dear :) iya, susah si ya. skincare itu cocok2an :( tp kalo kamu coba, mudah2an hada labo cocok buat km yaa :D

  8. jadi pengen beli concealer maybelline, tapi takut breakouts :(
    di kamu engga breakout ya?


  9. Nice review!! btw what's the shade of the nyx hd concealer??


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