Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Review + Swatches : NYX Round Lipsticks ♥♥♥

Hi bubblies!
How's everything going?
Hope you did wonderful! :)

I don't know why I never made a post about this famous NYX lipsticks! My bad >,<"
I just had this for so long, maybe these are one of my first ever lipstick beside a chapstick! lol. 

These are the shades that I have :
( not so many, but I got the idea on how it works! Maybe purchase some more in the future! :P )

LSS 509 Narcissus - LSS 529 Thalia - LSS 628 Tea Rose

Swatches Time!
 no primer . no base . under artificial light

 no primer . no base . under day sunlight

 LSS 509 Narcissus

 LSS 529 Thalia

LSS 628 Tea Rose

See my previous makeup challenge using one of the shade in my previous post :) --> IDR. 100K Makeup Challenge TAG!



The packaging is just okay for me. not felt so cheapy, had a good weight and grip as well. In each of the tube contains Net wt.4g./0.14oz of product.

NYX Round Lipstick in LSS 529 Thalia

Okay let's talk a bit about the pros and cons.

What I love :)

It's definitely a good starter lipstick for a beginner or for every lippies lover out there! 

♥ It's inexpensive, bought online for about IDR. 30000-35000 rupiahs ( around $ 3.00-3.50 US Dollars ).

♥ So highly pigmented & opaque ( with different various finishes for some of the shades, but mostly satin finish ). The color you got in the tube is definitely what you get in the lips.

♥ Soo buttery! glides on so smooth on the lips! :D

Not gonna dry out your lips.


What I hate :(

- It's so buttery but fragile at the same time! Melt and broke easily in the tube.

- Bleed and move / spread easily to the outside ( rim ) of the lips! approximately uneven application on certain shades.

- Fade easily as well, not a long lasting lisptick.

- Felt waxy and had a funky smell.




So, do you own these lippies?
What is your favorite shade?
Let me know what you think!
I'd love to hear from you. :)
Good day all!
Smile :)

NOTE: all of the product were purchased by my own money and reviewed by honest thought. It's just my way to give you an opinion in buying product that you considered to purchase. Be a smart buyer! Hope you like my reviews. 


  1. aku ada satu doank ce yg circe tp ga suka baunya, ky bau sabun ._.

    1. ahaha baunya rada funky ya! iya bener kaya sabun! lol. ^o^

  2. tea rose wrnnya emg bagus ya ^^ aku dr dl pgn coba tea rose atau thalia :3

    1. tea rose and thalia emang katanya warna best seller mereka vee, makanya aku coba beli de. dia lebi ke warna bibir, cuman thalia lebi ke brown, tea rose lebi ke rosey pink. coba vee beli :P haha

  3. aku punya tea rose sama fig.. but narcissus looks awesome too!! boleh dicobain keknya ^^

    XOXO Kiky

    1. ahaha narcissus too barbie pink in my opinion. >,< kadang warnanya aku campur supaya ga terlalu loud pinknya. tapi emang bagus kalo emang suka pinkish lips. silahkan dicobaa \(^0^)/

  4. wrnnya bagus y...
    aku suka yg Narcissus dan tea rose...
    belum punya yg ini, jadi pengen, hrgnya juga murah bgt..:)

    1. ahaha iya. murce! belinya di online shop, jangan di counter.. jd mahal >,< silahkan cobaa, siapa tau cocok di kamu \(^0^)/

  5. Hi all,

    Sorry numpang promosi, bagi yang mau haute jersey dan dark shadow pallet ini. AKu lagi ada promo RP. 250.000,-
    sudah termasuk ongkir seluruh indonesia.

    Untuk pemesanan hubungi saya di
    Pin bb 22f7d2cb

    Untuk palletnya bisa di buka di link ini

    Sekali lagi sorry y promosi ^.-

  6. Maaf mau tanya untuk beli online lipstik Nyx dimana ya? Bs Share link nya ga? Makasih sebelumnya


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